Saturday, 3 February 2007

The sweetness of school cricket

School cricket is probably the first form of cricket competition anyone will participate in. It's definitely not one of the highest class, however, it's a very sweet and exciting form of cricket competition.

When you're in training, there possibly can't be anything better than a bit of banter between the lads. If you're of high quality of whatever skill you do, you'll enjoy it out on the park a lot. I can go reminiscing about the days of beating the batters bat with huge turn. It's a great feeling; something you don't get much of at the higher levels.

Playing matches used to be great as it's your young days in the game and you enjoy it a lot. You're there trying to look professional. There's a lot of stroke plays and wickets so it's mighty fun playing in school matches. Any total can be a winning one!

On the day of the matches use to be tons of fun! When the guys get into the place where we eat breakfast, there's a lot of humour in the air. Person's having banter with each other troubling them about "they are gonna get a duck...", or "he's getting hit a for pure 6." Some others will tell a joke and the whole team will just laugh and enjoy the moment together. That's what being a team is all about too. Let me tell you guys, enjoy the pre match fun and have a lot because if you're on the losing side, there won't be all that much after. Me myself has had that experience. When we lose, the guys aren't as funny as usual. I have appeared in 14 school matches and have won 5 and lost 9 so I know all about how it feels. If we win, then it's pure jubilation from the guys.

Sometimes, when we'd finished our matches and were going to take the ferry to go back to where we came from, we all use to put together money and buy bread, sausages and soft drinks and eat it on the ferry as a team and continue giving jokes. Beware! Don't ever abondon your food as it won't be there when you get back!

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